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everything can’t be a Super Bowl spot

They’re not sexy but nuts and bolts build and hold things together. While I may do a mean TV spot (I do) or find and communicate the truth of a brand (I can) you need a logo, collateral package, brochure, t-shirt, or driving range sign (not sexy). Or perhaps, a city bus wrapped to look like a giant loaf of bread (kind of sexy).   


With 15 plus years of experience (including the bus thing) in marketing communications and advertising, there isn’t much that I haven't or can’t do.

+ concepting | brainstorming

+ creative direction | messaging

+ art direction
+ copywriting

+ graphic design


Steve Swartz

Creative Director | Art + Copy

West of the Mississippi,
east of the Fishpot.

© 2019 Steve Swartz & respective copyright holders
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